She will be loved

Saturday, Jan. 24, 2004

Huckie update

Well Huckie seems to be recuperating okay, knock on wood. I've had a few scares, likes drops of blood on the floor and weird behavior, but today I spoke to another vet at the clinic I went to and he said it's to be expected. I need to keep on eye on him and watch for the behavior that made me bring him in in the first place. If that happens, it could be a sign that his bladder is reblocking and I need to take him to an emergency vet right away. Let's hope that doesn't happen.

Right now he and Beavis are making out on the chaise, so I'm feeling pretty optimistic that he's going to be okay. But I'm still very scared for my baby.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Biography channel - Candice Bergen
Drinking: twist
Wearing: dark gray tank, light gray exercise pants, brown socks - so so sexy

before after

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