She will be loved

Thursday, Oct. 14, 2004

gas in the middle of a roll-up

I felt pretty guilty tonight, it was my last pilates class and I had to miss it. I completely intended to go, and I promised my instructor I'd be there (Wednesdays always seem to have a poor turnout). But then I ended up being in a meeting until 5:30, and the class started at 5:45. So by the time I changed my clothes and drove the 20 minutes to the college, the class would've been more than half over.

My instructor is offering another session in two weeks, which I'm debating taking. This one won't start until 6:30, which is better, but it's also a lot farther away, so I still might end up missing a few classes due to work obligations. I think I'll try driving to the location after work one night to see just how long it takes to get there in rush hour conditions.

I'm really hoping it will work out, though, because I really enjoy the class. It's so nice to get the individual instruction and guidance, as opposed to videos where I never know for sure if I'm doing things right. Although there are some major advantages to videos, like they're cheap and I can do them at midnight.

Plus, with videos, I don't have to worry about getting gas in the middle of a roll-up. Not that that ever happened or anything, just hypothetically. That certainly wasn't me on Monday night, it was the other lady. Yeah right. ;)

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Conan monologue
Drinking: diet cherry coke
Wearing: dark gray exercise pants, white tee, white socks

before after

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