She will be loved

Sunday, Oct. 10, 2004


Well this past week was good for exercise. I forced myself to walk a mile every morning. I know it's not much, but it helped to get the day off to a good start, plus it helped to add a little cardio in every day. I've been focusing too much on upper body and pilates, and I don't think that was enough to burn my fat off. So my goal for this week is to keep that up.

Food, on the other hand, wasn't so good. It started out fine, eating was normal, but then Thursday I got chinese (orange chicken and scallion pancakes - mmm, my mouth is watering just thinking of that stuff) to celebrate my one year anniversary of having my license. Then Friday there was a wedding shower for one of my coworkers and I had lots of bread with spinach dip, cucumber sandwiches, chocolate covered strawberries, and a piece of cake. Not too horrible, considering all the other temptations I passed up, but still not exactly South Beach. And then last night I had four 25 cent bags of sour cream and onion potato chips (better than the family size bags which were my other option, but I should've stopped at one or two little bags). So my goal for this week is to cut out all sugar, only eat good carbs, and drink lots more water.

Amazingly, after all that sugar and unhealthy carbs, I lost half a pound. I should be happy about that, but I know it usually takes a few days for bad eating to affect my weight, for some reason. So I'm not going to put too much faith into my 219.5. But the good thing is that there is lots of room for improvement in the week ahead.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: HGTV - Designed to Sell
Drinking: diet cherry coke
Wearing: yellow & blue plaid boxers, gray Nike tee, white socks

before after

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