She will be loved

Wednesday, Sept. 22, 2004

yeah yeah yeah, I've said it all before

I'm not going to beat myself up. I ordered Dominos; a medium pizza with half sausage and half pepperoni and an order of cinna-stix. I ate 5 slices of pizza and all but 2 of the cinna-stix. Ugh! And I'm not going to exercise tonight because now it's too late.

This is the last night of my "splurging" (I'm not going to say the c word), I swear. No more chinese, potato chips, pizza, Krispy Kreme, and all that good stuff. I'm going to get back on track. Tomorrow, I will: take my vitamins, drink at least 2 liters of water, walk a mile in the morning, eat a salad for lunch, eat something with vegetables for dinner, go to pilates class, write everything I eat in my food journal, and not waste any money unnecessarily. I need one day of doing everything right. Kinda like a 12-step program, I'm just going to take it one day at a time. That's the only way to get back into the habit, focus on the daily habits that will make me a healthier person.

I need to be stronger. I need to care more about myself.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Leno
Drinking: twist
Wearing: baby blue pajama bottoms, black tank, white socks

before after

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