She will be loved

Wednesday, Apr. 21, 2004

new workouts

I started my Jorge Cruise 8 minutes in the morning workout today. It seemed more effective than I thought it would be. To warmup, he recommends jogging in place. I didn't want to disturb my neighbors, so I did a little bit of a Leslie video as a warmup. Then I did his two moves. Each day he gives you two moves to do, you do 4 sets of 12 of each, alternating between the two. Today it was dumbbell presses and two-arm rows. Then there were a couple of cooldown stretches.

I was amazed by how much I was sweating afterward. I was eating my bowl of Kashi GoLean and I had to keep from leaning over it so that sweat didn't drip in. That wouldn't taste so good!

Tomorrow morning is crunches and lateral raises. I'm actually looking forward to them!

I also did a new Leslie workout tonight, WATP Abs 10-Minute Ab Buster. All floor work with her belt, I liked it. As much as possible, I want to workout both in the morning and at night. Let's see how long I can keep that up.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: VH1 - top 40 hair bands
Drinking: water
Wearing: red & navy plaid boxers, dark gray tank, dark gray socks

before after

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