She will be loved

Sunday, Feb. 01, 2004

I hate trying to think of these

See here I am, on the way to fucking up my sleep schedule again. I slept until 5 PM today. I actually woke first about noon, ate a container of my favorite hummus (Athenos red pepper) with saltines, drank a twist, and then went right back to bed. Lazy lazy. It was nice though, I always have more interesting dreams when I sleep in the afternoon.

So I forced myself outta bed finally and then spent the evening reading diet journals. I love people for writing them, it's so motivating. I'd like to be that way one day.

At 2 AM, I did the upper body workout. Yay for me! A full week of exercising every single night! Thank god for exercise videos, they're perfect for procrastinators like me. I don't know if it would be more beneficial if I exercised in the morning or early evening, but I think if I tried to restrict myself like that, I wouldn't exercise nearly as often. So this is what works for me.

Huckie sweetie is sleeping in my lap right now. The only way he can stay up is if I put one ankle on my other knee, half indian-style (which is the only way I can cross my legs). And now my leg has fallen asleep. I wanna switch legs, but I hate to disturb him. Oh well, it's my body, he can deal with it.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: Taebo infomercial
Drinking: water and eating a few Reese's Peices
Wearing: light gray boxer shorts, white tank, white socks (finally changed them!)

before after

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