She will be loved

Tuesday, Jan. 13, 2004

zippity bop

Not much to say, but I wanted to make sure to write. I've written four days in a row so far, I haven't been this good since I've moved to PA. Go me!

Work's still sucking. Today was a little better than yesterday, but it still sucked. I guess that will continue until I do something to change it and right now I'm too down about it to take any action.

Immobilized by depression, ain't that the story of my life? Well not immobilized, I still get out of bed everyday and do what I need to do, but never more than the bare minimum it takes to get by.

Sheesh, I don't like where this train of thought is going. I didn't start typing in order to make myself more depressed.

On a positive note, I had a killer workout last night. I started with a 15 minute walk while watching Cribs on Mtv. I did the moves that I do with a Leslie Sansone tape, I just did them without her. Then I put in her Ab Shortcut video, which is about 10 minutes of walking and 20 minutes of ab floor work. I carried weights while I walked for more intensity and then modified some of the floor work to make it more intense. My stomach feels so nice and fatigued today. I've got to force myself to do that workout a couple of times a week, it makes me feel empowered.

Watching/Hearing/Listening to: the sound of my ceiling fan
Drinking: the twist baby!

before after

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